Sara Does India

What I want to get in India: silks, spices, the Black Death. What I will probably get in India: food poisoning, heatstroke, too much work. What you probably want from this blog: gory details of interpersonal relationships. What you will probably get from this blog: a candid description of my travels and thoughts, sans (too much) drama.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

i walked into a club and i found paradise

Unfortunately, I didn't *really* walk into a club and find paradise tonight, but I did walk into a fancy restaurant, and I did find something akin to paradise (in a v. sad way) while saying goodbye to my team tonight. We all had dinner at this new place called Waterfront, which overlooks Hussain Sagar (the lake in the middle of the city, near the IMAX). It was actually really moving and more than a little sad; one guy brought his guitar and several of them sang songs to me in Hindi and English. They also gave me a ridiculous number of gifts. I am going to be so sad to leave all of them--but it still hasn't really hit me. When I'm at the office, I'm pretending that I'm not leaving, when in reality I only have two more days in India.

After dinner, I came home and watched two episodes of 'Lost' with some of the expats. Then I started packing, and managed to pack up two boxes of stuff to ship home. Problem 1: they're super heavy; problem 2: everything has to be itemized and valued. Soooo annoying. And given my bedding fixation, they're probably going to think I'm a shady importer because I'm bringing back about six bedspreads. It's rather unfortunate, but I shall perservere.

Okay, I'll try to post pics tomorrow, but I desperately need sleep--my last day in the office starts in five and a half hours!


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