Sara Does India

What I want to get in India: silks, spices, the Black Death. What I will probably get in India: food poisoning, heatstroke, too much work. What you probably want from this blog: gory details of interpersonal relationships. What you will probably get from this blog: a candid description of my travels and thoughts, sans (too much) drama.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

humble folks without temptation

So I think that my current issues may be related as much to allergies as to an actual cold, which is unfortunate, because it means that it won't just go away. I guess this is to be expected--now that it is raining occasionally, plants may start to grow and flower outside, which can only lead to woe and misery for me. One of my coworkers would laugh at me over IM every time that she heard me coughing from across the office today. That made me wonder what it is about my personality that encourages such behavior from almost all of my close acquaintances and friends--if it weren't for the fact that I think it's pretty awesome that all of my friends are absolutely insane, I might start to think that my life had taken a wrong turn someplace.

I worked today, came home, had dinner, talked about shrews (no one else knew what they were, but I've seen them first-hand, since our cat used to kill them), had a conference call from 10-11, and watched two episodes of South Park while doing some more work. 'Scott Tenorman Must Die' is possibly one of the most horror-inducing episodes in all of TV history; I first saw it with Claude on Comedy Central a few months ago, and we were both so shocked that we just sat staring at the tv, covering our mouths with our hands, for at least four minutes. Yay.

I was supposed to go out to ten downing street tonight to see a couple of people from work perform in their rock band (which apparently focuses mostly on Pink Floyd covers)...but at the last minute this afternoon, the police denied their permit to play live music in the bar, and so the event was cancelled. They were really disappointed, and it was really unfortunate that it got cancelled. So I came home thinking that I would be able to sleep early, but between the conference call and the work that I had to take care of (and South Park...thanks to my friends at work who got me three seasons of South Park on DVD before I left California, you're enabling me to stay up past my bedtime), I'm going to bed after midnight, as usual. Sigh.

Could someone please remind me to do something this weekend that doesn't involve either shopping or reading a Georgette Heyer romance novel? Thanks.


  • At 10:26 AM, Blogger Emily said…

    You could read a Susan Elizabeth Philips romance novel, instead... :)


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